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Direct Store Delivery

Sandwhich Wrap

100% Risk-Free Programming

At Kitchen Fresh Foods, we understand that business owners are often overwhelmed. From staffing needs to supply chain problems, the to-do list seems never-ending. Our 100% risk-free direct store delivery program was designed to help people like you. 

Watch your sales skyrocket as we craft, order, and stock your store with some of the best-tasting products in the industry. 

Woman In Store Looking At Phone

Low-risk. High-reward. 

Do you like free money? Retailers that provide shelf space for Kitchen Fresh Foods’ products earn revenue with absolutely no risk. We take on the responsibility of ordering, supplying, and stocking your store. This means that if you have leftover products at the time of your next delivery, we eat the cost — that’s our guarantee.

In addition, direct store sales and delivery teams closely monitor the products your customers are purchasing. By doing so, we can tailor your product mix to match the food items most frequently flying off your shelves. After all, keeping you stocked with the best-selling products is the best way to ensure your customers keep returning for more.

Freshness, Guaranteed.

By following the strictest food safety handling guidelines, we can offer customers a Freshness Guarantee. This means that if a product expires on the shelf, we credit back 100% of the inventory with no questions asked. Lastly,  an on-site USDA inspector, artisan-quality ingredients, and a flexible distribution process ensure that your food will arrive fresh every time!

Sandwhich On Cutting Board
Pre Packaged Salads

Delivery to the Last Inch.

Our award-winning team doesn’t just deliver to the last mile. We take it to the next level by placing orders, delivering the product, stocking the shelves, taking leftover or outdated items away, and keeping tabs on inventory. Here at Kitchen Fresh Foods, we like to call this “delivering to the last inch.”

Kff Chefs Selects

Chef’s Selects

We’ve all been there — stomachs rumbling but too tired to prepare a quality meal. The Chef’s Selects by Kitchen Fresh Foods solves this problem by providing premium pre-packaged products created with the freshest ingredients and the highest food handling standards in the industry. Why sacrifice quality for convenience when you can enjoy both with Chef’s Selects?

Closeup Of Sandwhich
Kitchen Primary Fullcolor Drk

Kitchen Selects

Don’t let hunger slow you down! With Kitchen Selects by Kitchen Fresh Foods, your customers can sustain their energy and satisfy cravings with convenient, fresh, and affordable pre-packaged meals. From meats and cheeses to sandwiches and salads, Kitchen Selects snacks are loaded with big flavors and fresh ingredients.

Sandwhich Wrap Cut In Two

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